Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Wonder of WonderCon 2014

Artist Alley booth AA228 at the Anaheim Convention Center.

Still recovering from 3 days of being overly happy and courteous to countless strangers.
Not easy, believe me!
But, in the end, had a great time! Made some new friends and new fans… and ain't that what all this comic book stuff is all about? Hope so, cuz it sure ain't about turning a profit!
Someday maybe… someday.
Here are some photos to document the fun and frivolity that ensued:


The adventure begins… CHECK IN!

my dear wife, Marylin (and partner in crime)
shoots a look as she stands in line for our exhibitor badges. Only one to a table though! you want another one?  Sure! 50 bucks please! Oh WonderCon… you're so adorable! (Luckily, we both pre-registered as professionals… so plenty of free badges to go around!)

Our home for the next 3 days… Booth AA228


A coupla hand carts, lotsa coffee, zip-lock bags, rubber bands and bungee cords. (Sorry, duct-tape… not this time.)
Everything went well till i put up the DANGERWORLD roll-up banner… pinched my finger in the top clip and bled like a stuck pig!
Didn't realize i was mortally wounded till i had bled all over my pants and the back of the table (photo unavailable) Had to be rushed to emergency for massive transfusions and have my flayed finger stitched back up. But, being the dedicated artist that I am, I was still back in time for the wonderful opening ceremonies and dedication speeches! (some of that's true… but most of it isn't!)
Same booth 30 minutes later. We are getting good at this!


"Oooooo! Is that what I think it is?"  "Yes, I think it is!"
A lotta folks stopped by in strange clothing and costumes. The kids call it cosplay. Seems like a lotta work just to get yer picture taken. But what the hell do I know? I just spent 2 mind-numbing years putting this comic together just so someone (anyone!) would say, "you draw good"! Ha! …jokes on me.

"Oh My! Is that…"
"I do believe it is!"

I know who that is under the mask,
but Sam swore me to secrecy! Oops!
Xena's lesser known sister, Betty.
Depth perception is not her strong point.

I found this to be ONE CREEPY COSTUME! Kinda furry, leather-bondage thing goin' on…
included a leather wolf's zipper mask, leather corset and mini-skirt. And, he's about 7 ft tall …YIKES!
When I asked if i could get a picture of him holding DANGERWORLD, I realized his hands were encased in
leather… uhhhh, mittens? (No fingers or thumbs!) He couldn't get a grip on the comic, let alone open it up.
Fortunately, the nice ninja warrior lady came to our aid! I told him that I imagined
that it had to be hotter n' hell in that thing… he said he was ready to pass out!
All for art, all for art! Thank you creepy bondage guy! Thank you ninja warrior lady!
Tank Girl? (I dunno who half
these characters are anymore!)
Remember… smoking's bad for you!
RoadRage™ DEMANDS that
(He said I could use his character in my
next issue… just might take him up on that!)

Sold this copy as a Special Half-Eaten Collector's Edition!

Young son Mike gets his
first look at DANGERWORLD #2
"Jeepers  dad… Is that what I think it is?"

Doc Ock takes a little time off from evil-doing to ponder the latest issue of
DANGERWORLD, while being photobombed by the elusive Super-Dick!

A quite moment gives Marylin time to reflect… "I coulda married a doctor, or a lawyer! …anyone but a comic book artist!"

In the end, here's where any profits went to!
(recommended: "Crumb, the 'Weirdo' years")

Next: The terror of Breaking Down the Booth!

See ya May 31st/June1st at Long Beach Expo!


  1. LOL! Love the photos AND the captions! I should've done this at my booth! LOL!

  2. Glad you enjoyed it! Next convention, give it a try… makes the long days a lot more fun!
